Cinema program "Ciemno, prawie noc" in Radom
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"Ciemno, prawie noc"
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Runtime: 114 min.
Production: Polska , 2019
Category: crime / drama
Release Date: 22 March 2019
Distribution: Kino Świat
Directed by: Borys Lankosz
Cast: Magdalena Cielecka, Rafal Mackowiak, Modest Rucinski, Jerzy Trela
Screening of the famous, awarded with the literary prize NIKE novel by Joanna Bator - "Dark, almost night" directed by Borys Lankosz ("Grain of truth", "Reverse"). The film is produced by Leszek Bodzak and Aneta Hickinbotham from the Aurum Film studio, producers of the award-winning "Last Family." The screenplay "Dark, almost night" is a joint work of Magdalena Lankosz and Borys Lankosz, who cleverly combines an electrifying crime story with elements of horror movies. In the role of a journalist Alicja Tabor, who returns to her hometown to write a reportage on the mysterious disappearances of children, Magdalena Cielecka will play. The star cast also includes: Marcin Dorociński, Dawid Ogrodnik, Aleksandra Konieczna, Eliza Rycembel, Jerzy Trela, Dorota Kolak, Agata Buzek Piotr Fronczewski and Roma Gąsiorowska.
When Walbrzych shakes a series of mysterious disappearances of children, the journalist Alicja Tabor (Magdalena Cielecka) arrives in the city. Returning after years on the family side, an uncompromising reporter wants to get to know the families of the missing people and unravel the mystery that even the police turns out to be powerless. In the course of a private investigation, Alice - quite unexpectedly - runs into the trail of dramatic events that began decades ago. Seeking to discover the truth, the journalist will have to face a new threat and what she has been escaping from throughout her adult life - the mystery of her childhood and the shocking secrets of her own family. Over time, the grim criminal intrigue will combine children, the wartime past, the legend of the lost treasure, and the fate of Alice herself, who will face the pure incarnation of evil and gain allies standing on the side of good. The dark and beautiful scenery of the city and the surroundings of the Książ castle complete the world of colorful and dangerous characters, in which our heroine stops judging reality just as before ...

Movie trailer: Ciemno, prawie noc
Your comments
szarosci ciemnosci przez pol filmu nie wiadomo o co chodzi moim zdaniem slabizna
Ten film daje wszystko czego oczekujemy wybierając sie na seans do kina
Nie da się oddać ducha prozy J. Bator. Można sobie darować.
Film bardzo slaby, fabula nie
przykuwa uwagi, napiecia brak,
nagosc i patologia uzywana jako
substytut mrocznego klimatu,
wyglada to jak nieudolna kalka
wielu thrilleruw o podobnej
Najwieksza zaleta filmu to
dobre zdjecia. Zdecydowanie nie
warto wybierac sie do kina.