Cinema program "Get on Up" in Radom
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Runtime: 139 min.
Production: USA , 2014
Category: biography / drama / music
Release Date: 12 December 2014
Distribution: UIP
Directed by: Tate Taylor
Cast: Chadwick Boseman, Nelsan Ellis, Dan Aykroyd
It has been given many names: "Mister Dynamite," "The Godfather of soul", "The hardest working man in show business".
But until now we can see the real face of legendy.Urodzony in 1933 among the poor of South Carolina, during the Great Depression, James Brown as a young man experienced almost everything - rejection, violence, and juvenile prison. Nobody ever taught him the rules.
And he was born in order to break them.
His enormous energy whether as a boxer - amateur or a street musician found expression in the rhythm of driving him back to life. This one of the most influential performers ever to appear on the scene, an artist whose songs are performed again. It is inspired by contemporary musicians.
TATE TAYLOR after the success nominated for four Academy Awards® Servant (The Help) took up the challenge to direct Chadwick bosem (42- True Story of an American legend) in the role of James Brown in the film Get on Up. The film is based on Brown's remarkable life story takes the audience on a journey beginning with a poor childhood music and leading through the process of evolution in one of the most influential figures of the twentieth century.

Movie trailer: Get on Up
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